Office Space to Kimchi!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy BDay Carolyn!!!!!!!!!!

Get out the oldies records...its time to dance.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

OHHHHHHHHHHH!! Look who's the birthday girl!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you and Dad are having fun in Florida. I really wanted to put up the pic of you and Dad after your wedding...with you in that SUPER short skirt..but lucky for you...I am in Korea...and far far away from the wedding album. Happy Birthday...wish I could there...see ya in 79 days!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My true love.


Our first day..Che and I enjoyed "blending". We walked the streets for hours, and were not once pointed at children whispered "*waygouk*" (foriegner) man asked how much either of us one thought we were Russian, AND no smell or raw sewage. It was an awesome day. AWESOME DAY!

L'Hotel de Ville : There was une petite ice skating rink here, avec tiny igloos for children to play in. Because I am Canadian, I felt no need to take pictures of such things.

Not sure what this is.....but this building led us to the Lovre!

The basement of our hotel. Such a cute queit place for breakfast. Being that Cherry and I get more then enough alone time then we need...we only ate in this hideaway Christmas morning, and went to busier city cafes for the remainder of our breakfasts.

Moments before watching the ballet Christmas day. All I could think of the entire time was how lucky I was to be here on this day. A ballet on Christmas day in Paris..followed by dinner, and a flirting waiter. Basically...the best Christmas I could hope for if I had to be away from home. The ballet was gave me goosebumps!!

Montpeiller Church..or something like that. (can't remember exactly...oops) many many many stairs in heals to get to the top...but a breath taking view once you get there. On the way up, we were both proposed to by men from was true love for all.

The Champs at night. Moments before Sephora. We both had much more money in our pockets at this

inside the "courtyard" (not sure of the technical name) of the Lovre. This is one of my favorite places in the far. Its so quiet...overwhelmingly beautiful...I can't wait to hear what you (Mom and Dad)think if this exact spot later this year!

The view from our hotel room. I miss this view every day. We ate bagels a few times at that bagel shop straight ahead.

Our day at the Louvre.

Che and I about to meet our new African boyfriends.

Che flirting AGAIN with the French police men. A few hours after my near death experience on the subway. You will have to email me for further details on that one!

Home sweet home, with Louis. Moment before meeting the "love of my life" from Switzerland. There certainly is alot of love in Paris!

Inside the Louvre

Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy Birthday Grandma!! Can't wait to see you in 2007!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day

Bonjour!! Boxing Day at the Eiffel Tour!!
It was quite cloudy today...and we spent so much time inside we didn't get out to take pics until the are a few of the many pictures. This is me...wanting to be a flight attendant.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I'm in love with France.

Une Petite Blog...
Here is me at the Notre Dame...and at some bridge that is pretty. AND as promised...Dr. Will...(one of the best BB players..EVER)more photos to come.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas at the Y-Do!!!

Christmas at Ydo is the best!!!!

Doesn't this look like the BEST Christmas at an Academy you've ever seen in your life.

The cameras are always watching...

Irean-I've taught this girl since I first arrived in Korea.

Paul and Chris..said they wanted a picture as smart/well behaved students. A rare sight.

Louis- Taking a moment to reflect on the meaning of Christmas.

Girls....again..looking smart.

I tought the kids to blow a bubble inside a bubble with Bubblicious. This is as exciting at the learning process gets...super cute day.

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