Office Space to Kimchi!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I should be an alien by tomorrow..and hopefully have internet by Friday..if all goes well!! HURRAY. I will post many pics then. Until then, if you look at the link to Lydia and Nathans blog, there are pics of our Sunday night. We went to Buddahs birthday party. It was pretty could make lanterns, learn Buddist chants, and tour a temple. There was a huge lantern parade as well at the end. Cherry was pretty tanked on the usual, so we are hoping to find her wandering Seoul any time now.

The pics are pretty cool on their website.
Other news...we have a shopping all seconds away that sells MAC makeup, and Aveda products. (And Gucci, Burberry..ect)

We also live so close to Olympic park, Cherry and I have dubbed that our new favorite spot to avoid the crouds. After Sunday with all of Seoul...we were happy to have a day without too many people.

We start Korean lessons on Thursday, so excited for that. It will help alot!

Thats the scoop. ohh..and kids...little devils. enough said.


At 10:57 AM, Blogger The Awkward Pause said...

Oh, I'm so jealous, you are so lucky.

At 6:48 AM, Blogger cmaulucci said...

All I can say is THANK GOD you figured out where the good shopping is.. Now you can finally settle in and enjoy yourself!!

p.s. are the prices any different?

p.s.s. i guess you could have taken weight out of your suitcase by removing all the AVEDA!

p.s.s.s Nice ROCK... You should take up a second job while there as a paper weight maker!!

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Rick&BarbT said...

Hi there can hardly wait to see your pictures we all miss yea loved your picture on Lydias site!!!!!!!! GREAT ART WORK!!!! Your always were so talented

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Rick&BarbT said...

Not too sure we were happy to hear about all the shopping so near by!!! NO IMPULSE BUYING HA HA Dad talking of course!!!!!!!!!!!


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