Office Space to Kimchi!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Hangin' with the Koreans

I still dont have internet at no pics yet. One of our newest Korean friends is going to email pictures of our night last night!! We started off by going to watch a movie...the newest Mission Impossible. THANK GOD we had locals helping us, because even the movies is confusing. You know those advertisements.."need a ticket..just click it" apparently that is quite popular here...and movies sell out quickly. Luckily one of the counsellors bought our tickets ahead of time. This Friday was a holiday "childrens day" so we didn't have to teach!!

After the movie we went for dinner to this Italian restaurant. The staff took our pics so we are going to be posted on their website. (funny) but I can't remember the name. But the food was awesome. We ordered a tonne of dishes, and split them. One of the Korean counsellors at our school is engaged to a dude from Philidelphia so he introduced us all the restaurant. Three other counsellors came with us.

After dinner we went to Haagen Daas for ice cream, and chatted. Then to a sing room. IT's so funny. There have little rooms, with like..disco lights. you pick a song (YES they had New Kids...Julie I thought of you) and the lights go down..clapping starts..and you sing your heart out. Dad if you visist...CLEARLY this was made for you. The Koreans sing like there is no was American Idol..but in person. Cherry and I sang one song..."Can't fight the moonlight" by Leanne Rhimes...I must say...we were awesome.

After the singing ended..we watched some dancing Soju bottles, and had our pics taken with giant Soju. (random)

Then we went to a Korean night club. Where about 1 million other Koreans were. It was so busy..personal space was NOT an option. It was so sweaty and was another world. We managed to find this belcany that had only about three people on it...some huge dude actually helped us get up this the stairs to the belcany. So..we got to the top, and saw all the dancing Koreans from the top. It was pretty cool to watch actually. BUT we forgot our no pcis. we actually lost our friends in the croud pretty quickly. They played all english music too, which I didn't expect. It was a good deal on the belcany though..cause every time any people came up...the bouncer would come up, and kick everyone off but Cherry and I.... so random. We were there until 3:30 AM!! But we were ready to leave at about 12 so it was a long night. But I feel as though I really experienced a bit of Seoul, and we got to konw some of the Counsellors really well, which is very cool! We definately looked and felt amish in the club though!!!!! to come!! (I promise, the day I get internet at home, that is ALL I am doing...and Skype phone calls)


At 10:56 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

I wish I could have seen you guys sing that Coyote Ugly song. I guess all that practicing in Cherry's Tracker paid off.

At 5:34 AM, Blogger Rick&BarbT said...

Sounds like you are having a great time!!!!!!! looking forward to Skype and pictures!!!!!


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